
Your Homebirth


Labour & Birth

Pregnancy and birth is a sacred and intimate experience between the woman, their baby and their chosen support. For most people pregnancy is a time of wellness and associated with positive outcomes. Studies prove maternity and birth care by a known midwife in your own home is associated with less need for pain relief, less intervention, more control and a high rate of normal birth outcomes.

Families who homebirth are more likely to leave the birth experience with a sense of empowerment and positivity.

Mimosa Midwiferys’ goal is to hold a safe, calm and peaceful space during labour and birth, working closely with parents and families to facilitate your birth wishes. Your homebirth will be attended by two Mimosa Midwives who honour and respect normal physiological birth.

Mimosa Midwifery are trained in obstetric emergencies, adult and baby resuscitation and have emergency medications and equipment at all homebirths.

At your 36 week homebirth planning visit, emergency access and considerations for transfer are discussed, enabling a calm quiet stress free transfer if required. We encourage a signed and dated birth sketch which helps us to facilitate your wishes either at home or in hospital. If a consideration does arise we provide a calm detailed discussion of risk and benefits and support collaborating with allied professionals or hospital’s to ensure you and your baby’s well-being.

  • Free phone call or introductory meeting: this is a no obligation information session.

  • Antenatal appointments are held in our beautiful rooms in Healesville.

  • Birth education and preparation are provided in your pregnancy appointments.

  • We will visit you at home around 36 wks where we become familiar with your home, your birthing space & preferences (primary & secondary midwives will both attend this appointment) we advise you to have purchased / sourced your own birth pool by this time https://www.birthpool.com.au/resources/.

  • We visit you and your new baby at home for three visits after birth.

Antenatal appointments will usually be with your Primary Midwife.

Postnatal care is provided for six weeks after your baby is born; including the six week mother and baby check.

Antenatal and postnatal appointments, including home visits, are charged separately at each appointment.


Endorsed Midwife (Primary) and Second Midwife to be available on call to attend your homebirth $7,200.00*

Antenatal Appointment $190 (*Medicare Rebates may be available)

Care-plan Home Visit at 36 weeks (includes Primary & Secondary Midwives) $450 (*Medicare Rebates may be available)

Postnatal Appointment $190 (*Medicare Rebates may be available)

Postnatal Home Visit $190 per visit, approximately 3 homevisits (*Medicare Rebates may be available)

*A non-refundable deposit of $1,500.00 is required to secure your homebirth booking.

*Medicare rebates are only available for Medicare card holders. Rebates are approximate and may be higher depending on your Medicare Safety Net, please visit Human Services for more information.

Additional Costs

** Distance greater than 40 km's from Healesville incur an additional $1,250.00


Contact Mimosa Midwifery to discuss how we can support your family.