Maternal and Child Health
Lisa Wraith is a qualified Maternal and Child Health Nurse. Lisa offers true continuity of care, providing homebirth clients with maternal and child health appointments from 8 weeks to 4 years old.
Lisa is committed to assisting parents to feel confident, educated and well supported throughout their parenting journey. She works collaboratively with a variety of health professionals including lactation consultants, speech therapists, alternative health providers, general practitioners, paediatric physiotherapists and mental health professionals to ensure the best outcomes for each child and family.
Lisa offers information, guidance and support on issues including:
child health and development
infant and child nutrition
maternal health (including emotional health)
parenting skills
home safety for babies and children
relationships (including mother baby relationship)
available local support services
MCHN appointments are available Monday-Friday from 9am - 3pm and are currently only offered for families who have birthed with Mimosa Midwifery.
Appointments and advice are not available over the phone and bookings are essential. Email Lisa at to book and appointment.