Mimosa Midwifery supporting your Hospital Birth.
Mimosa Midwifery respect and support womens individual choices and needs. Sometimes having your baby in a hospital may be the best choice for you and your family. Mimosa Midwifery are able to guide and support you in your chosen birthing environment. Your Midwife will tailor information during your antenatal appointments to ensure you are able to have an informed, empowered birth in a hospital setting.
Your Midwife will be on-call for your planned hospital birth. We provide pregnancy care appointments as required, as well as postnatal care for 6 weeks after birth; including 3 home visits as well as your 6 week mother and baby check. Mimosa Midwifery is able to provide you with referrals for blood tests, genetic screening and ultrasound scans.
During your pregnancy, Mimosa Midwifery will provide evidence based care and information, giving you and your family proven strategies to encourage each individual to have an empowered birth experience. Evidence based information allows couples to feel physically and emotional equipped for birth in any setting.
Mimosa Midwifery will teach you strategies and techniques to support normal physiological birth. Once learned and practised, throughout your pregnancy, these will evolve into intuitive behaviours empowering you with knowledge and trust in your birthing body. Each birth is sacred and a time to rejoice.
Your appointments are held in our beautiful rooms in Healesville
We will arrange a appointment around 36 wks to discuss your birthing space & preferences
We visit you and your new baby at home for three visits after birth and then we continue to see you and your new babe until 6 weeks after birth in our clinic.
Hospital Support Costs
Endorsed Midwife (Primary) to be on call for labour and birth. Second midwife available should your Primary Midwife approach 12 hours of continuous care $7,200**
Antenatal Appointment $190 (*Medicare Rebates may be available)
Care-plan Visit around 36 weeks $450 (*Medicare Rebates may be available)
Postnatal Appointment $190 (*Medicare Rebates may be available)
Postnatal Homevisit $190 per visit (*Medicare Rebates may be available)
Additional Costs
** Distance greater than 50 km's from Healesville incur an additional $1,250
*Medicare rebates are only available for Medicare card holders. Rebates are approximate and may be higher depending on your Medicare Safety Net, please visit;
https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/medicare/medicare-safety-net#group-128 for more information.
If you have Private Health Insurance you may be able to claim some appointments under your private health insurance (please speak with your Health Insurance for further details).
Contact Mimosa Midwifery to discus your birth.
Mimosa Midwifery is able to admit you to Casey Hospital as our private patient for labour and birth. As registered midwife both Lisa is able to support and protect physiological birth within a hospital environment. Our goal is to nurture and protect your birthing space, we can be your voice and your strength when needed, allowing your natural birth hormones and instincts to do what they do best for an amazing and empowering labour and birth experience.
As a private client, you do not need a referral to our services as we have collaboration with the Casey obstetric team. There is no need to attend the hospital for any visits unless you or your baby require an obstetric review.
Total Planned Hospital Birth fee $5,500** Medicare Rebates may be available
Initial no obligation information session Bulk Billed*
Your antenatal appointments are held in our beautiful rooms in Healesville
We will support you in your home in early labor
Your first 3 postnatal appointments are in your home, then weekly or as needed at our rooms in Healesville
Pool hire and single use liner additional $120.00 (inc GST). For Mimosa Midwifery clients only.
** Distance greater than 50 km's from Healesville or from 20km Casey Hospital incur an additional $500
*Medicare rebates are only available for Medicare card holders. Rebates are approximate and may be higher depending on your Medicare Safety Net, please visit;
https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/medicare/medicare-safety-net#group-128 for more information.